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Post-RSIGuard-Trial Survey Questions Suggestions

© 2016, Enviance, Inc. revision 12/17/07

Thank you for evaluating RSIGuard. Each company's unique needs will necessitate a different post-trial evaluation process based on the emphasis each company places on different aspects of RSIGuard (e.g. data collection vs. breaks & behavior vs. corrective tools).

Along with any questions that you create for your survey, we recommend that you select appropriate questions from the list below.

Please contact your RSIGuard representative if you would like to discuss further issues regarding your post trial survey.

  • Did RSIGuard help you improve your break-taking behavior? Describe any changes in your break-taking patterns that occurred as a result of using RSIGuard.
  • Did you use the ForgetMeNots “ergonomic reminders” feature? Did the reminders help you?
  • Describe how/if RSIGuard made you more aware of how you use your computer?
  • With respect to the break suggestions, were they beneficial to you? Did they seem meaningfully timed? Was taking the breaks worth the interruptions?
  • Do you feel that taking breaks made you work more effectively (e.g. fewer errors, clearer thinking, etc.)?
  • Do you think you would likely continue following RSIGuard’s break-taking suggestions if RSIGuard were permanently installed on your computer?
  • If you tried AutoClick (automatic mouse clicking), or KeyControl (hotkeys and keyboard remapping), how helpful were they to you?
  • Was RSIGuard easy to use/set up?
  • Did you feel that using RSIGuard was an overall positive experience?