Introduction to RSIGuard 

1.  Welcome to RSIGuard

2. Getting Started

3. BreakTimer

4. ForgetMeNots

5. AutoClick

6. KeyControl

7. DataLogger

8. Getting the most out of RSIGuard


Main RSIGuard Help Menu

Getting Started

Here are a few things to know about RSIGuard.

  • If RSIGuard hasn't already been installed on your computer, it will be shortly (or you'll receive instructions on how to install it).
  • Each time you start your computer, RSIGuard will start automatically.
  • The first time RSIGuard starts, you'll go through a Setup Wizard to customize features to maximize their benefit to you.

Take the  time to carefully read and answer the questions in the Wizard -- it will dramatically improve your overall experience with RSIGuard.

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