Viewing and Printing Reports with GroupInsight
Viewing Reports
The Left Side The left pane contains a list of the records that match the most recent search (or all of the records if you just opened GrouipInsight). Each record corresponds to 1 user. For example, if you search for all employees from the last 30 days with break compliance below 50%, then the left pane will show 1 record for each person who matches this criteria.
By left clicking on any column title, you can sort by the values in that column. Click again to toggle between an ascending/descending sort.
By right clicking on any column title, you can customize which columns are shown. Choices include:
- Record# - Click on entries in this column to select one of more records for viewing in the right pane.
- Login - This is the user's login ID and is the unique identifier that GroupInsight (and RSIGuard) use to distinguish users.
- HR Fields - Any fields you have populated in an HR CSV data file will be available to display in a column.
- Risk Score, Hours Total, Break Compliance, Mouse Strain & Keyboard Strain - These RSIGuard statistics can be included as a column.
- Last Usage - The last time a user's RSIGuard updated the user data file indicates the last time the user used RSIGuard.
- Simulate no BreakTimer - This column shows what the user's risk would be if they didn't have BreakTimer running, as well as the estimated increased probability of experiencing computer-related discomfort within the next year. R=hypothetical risk, IDR=Increased discomfort risk.
The Right Side
The right pane always shows an aggregate report of the data contained in the records that are selected in the left pane. Before you select any records, the right pane will be blank. If you select one record, you will see the contents of that record in a report in the right pane. To select multiple records in the left pane, use the Shift and Ctrl keys (to select a range of records or to add individual records to your selection) while you click on the record # of the records you are adding. As you select records, the right pane will continuously update to show the new aggregate report.
Printing Reports
To print the aggregate report (right pane), click on File and click "Print Report". You can also click "Show Print Preview of Report" to see a preview of what will print. This is useful for making a printed record of the current report (e.g. showing all the aggregate statistics for a group of users in a particular location for the last quarter).
To print the record list (left pane), click on File, click the submenu "Print Record List", and the select either the submenu item "Print Record List" to print or "Show Print Preview of Record List" to see a preview of what will print. This is useful if you want to print a list of people who meet some criteria (e.g. a list of people whose break compliance is below 50%).
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